
Week 6 Reflections

My habitual practice is a hunter approach, going out with my camera and taking photographs of things that interest me and appeal. This produces a wide gamut of pictures that have little collective coherence. I also have another evolving practice which is ideologically driven. This … Continue readingWeek 6 Reflections

Week 5 Reflection

This week was about how we look at photographs and how we look at the world. As photographers, we both look at photographs and create photographs based on what we see. Clearly, looking and seeing are highly important activities for us. The forums contained a … Continue readingWeek 5 Reflection


The Intent Of My Practice Currently, the intent of my practice is to express my deep concern about the climate crisis. I see this crisis as the single biggest issue for humanity to deal with. The threat is real and the effects are being felt … Continue readingWEEK 4 REFLECTIONS


The current context of my practice is the climate crisis. I want to be able to find new things to say about the crisis and I want to find new ways of doing so. This is the existential threat to humanity, I feel it is … Continue readingInfluences

A Turning Point

I take a lot of pictures and reject most of them. That seems to be common to a lot of photographers. The ones that make the cut get shared and join collections or portfolios. Some become a landmark. This picture is something of a landmark … Continue readingA Turning Point

Week 3 reflections

This is the cover of the 1980 Roxy Music album “Flesh and Blood”. It’s not the first Roxy Music album and it’s not the best. In fact, it was critically panned on its release. But I bought it, enjoyed it and was always enthralled by … Continue readingWeek 3 reflections

Week 2 reflections

Photography is a method of placing texts into the world, where we understand a text as being a message, observation, art object or other creative artefact. Photography has aspects to it that make it recognisable as photography: it is undertaken by photographers, they use a … Continue readingWeek 2 reflections

Week 1 reflections

My photography practice is in a state of transition. Previously, I would go out with a camera and see what happened. I never worked to a brief, never thought beyond the fact that I would be exploring a city or a coastline. Some good pictures … Continue readingWeek 1 reflections