Supervisory Meeting 18/11/2020

Date of Supervision Meeting18/11/2020
Start time of Meeting12:00
Length of Meeting in minutes30
Meeting Notes & Action PointsI had supplied drafts of CROP and PDF artefact for review.

CROP: WM advised:
My pictures should be presented as larger than those from other authors.
Remove seals picture to open up text.
Italicise titles.
Emphasise that my project is a coming together of my photography, environmentalism and web design.

Overall said that CROP is interesting and on the right track.


Likes the introductory text.

Prefers the pictures presented as screenshots.
Prefers full-page images.
Remove any text that does justify properly.
Maintain consistent presentation, don’t jump between layouts.
Treat each story separately, tear sheets at the end and link to the story online.

Overall, positive about the project.
Date of Next Proposed MeetingNone