Week 10 Reflection

Recently I have thought a lot about the context for my work. I realised that my thinking here had been very limited, limited to the practitioners who did similar work and to the possible situations in which my work might appear. The context for my … Continue readingWeek 10 Reflection

Week 9 Reflection

I greatly enjoyed the material in this week’s work. Three words leap out at me: “A cheeky fellow”. That was Sam Abell’s, very generous, description of Richard Prince who infamously rephotographed Abell’s Marlborough adverts. Abell would be perfectly justified in using much more colourful language … Continue readingWeek 9 Reflection

Week 8 Reflection

“An image is drained of it’s force by the way it is used, where and how often it is seen”. Sontag, 2003 [1] This week we are reminded of this quote from Susan Sontag. We know Sontag is a wish woman where photography is concerned, … Continue readingWeek 8 Reflection

Influences Part 2

I have struggled with the idea of influences. This may seem odd, but it has been real. Finally in this module I have started to make some headway in this area. My early influences in photography were William Eggleston and Ernst Haas. Their high colour, … Continue readingInfluences Part 2

Portfolio Selections

The edit for a portfolio is one of the hardest things to do. Pictures that you love, suddenly look out of place and that awful realisation arrives, it will have to go. Everything seems so unfair. As creative people, it is in our nature to … Continue readingPortfolio Selections

Week 6 Reflections

My habitual practice is a hunter approach, going out with my camera and taking photographs of things that interest me and appeal. This produces a wide gamut of pictures that have little collective coherence. I also have another evolving practice which is ideologically driven. This … Continue readingWeek 6 Reflections

Week 5 Reflection

This week was about how we look at photographs and how we look at the world. As photographers, we both look at photographs and create photographs based on what we see. Clearly, looking and seeing are highly important activities for us. The forums contained a … Continue readingWeek 5 Reflection


The Intent Of My Practice Currently, the intent of my practice is to express my deep concern about the climate crisis. I see this crisis as the single biggest issue for humanity to deal with. The threat is real and the effects are being felt … Continue readingWEEK 4 REFLECTIONS